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Contest is now over. Congratulations to Shelley Mitchel entry #334 who was chosen by I have the best memories of bringing my lunch to school because my mom would go out of her way to put special touches inside. Whether it was a sweet note on my napkin or my favorite treat tucked inside, I will always have fond memories of sitting down to eat my lunch at school.
Now that my boys are in school I try to make their lunches special too. We make a special trip to the grocery store each week to pick out their favorite healthy treats to put inside their lunch boxes. There is nothing like being excited to pop open those lunch boxes when the bell rings. Both of my boys love to draw and create artwork so I will sometimes draw silly pictures to tuck inside their lunches so they can laugh at what a horrible artist Mom is! On special occasions, I LOVE popping in during lunch to eat with the boys and their friends. They know when I come eat lunch with them that I usually bring some homemade cookies with me to share 🙂 I hope that these little things will create memories for my boys just like my mom did for me 🙂
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1. Leave a comment here on Picky Palate telling us….What is something special you do for your kids lunch or what is something special your mom did for your school lunch? See Official Rule Page HERE.
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On Fridays, I pack a special treat in my son’s lunchboxes. It is usually something homemade like a brownie or a rice krispie treat. The boys always look forward to it.
Lasagna with garlic toast
I used to love ketsup fried Bologna Sandwiches on toast in my lunch. This doesn’t sound like anything special but every morning my grams would fry two pieces of bologna for my lunch. Now that’s love
My daughter and I will have lunch on Saturdays on the patio.
I tweeted.
We make a big ceremony out of cutting the crusts off of the bread!
Thanks for a great contest!
My son begged me not to put notes in his lunch because it embarrassed him. I didn’t get to make his lunch often. When I did, I tried to make sure it was special with his favorite foods.
we prepare special desserts together to pack in their lunch boxes,they have fun doing that
What lovely Stories, My kids allways ate at School so did not fix any Lunches, but I see we missed alot and never even thought to just sent little notes.What a great Idea.
Put little notes into their lunchbag 🙂
kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com
During the summer we try to make lunch special by taking it outside under the tree or taking sandwiches to the park.
I make my girls shape sandwiches with cookie cutters!
My mom used to cut the crust off our sandwiches because she knew we didn’t like it!
I make my daughter something that she really enjoys but doesn’t get all the time, like mini bagels with cream cheese.
My mom used to have a hot lunch for me everyday when I walked home for lunch from school…put her heart & soul into every lunch!!
My poor Mom thought it was special to include stewed prunes to help me poop. Well, not so special when you have to eat them in front of all the kiddies.
My mom would leave a note in my napkin to brighten my day. She also would pack a special treat each time as a special surprise.
I remember getting Hostess treats in my lunch pretty regularly. I loved those things.
My kids always like notes in their lunchbox…and sometimes I even get one back! They also love it when I cut their sandwich bread with big cookie cutters–stars, hearts, flowers.
I cut sammys in strange shapes…sometimes to make puzzles out of them! I have a 3 1/2 year old that takes pb & j everyday – I sure hope we don’t end up in a peanut free classroom in elementary school!
I let my son help me put the lunch together and we laugh and
have a good time together.
My son loves to go bowling with me. Sometimes in his sack lunch I include a note letting him know we’re BOWLING after school. He’s so excited to get home. And I’m pleased he enjoys spending that time with me.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
The occasional ho-hos in my lunch. WOW, I loved those nasty things. I could go for one right now. . .
I always put Velvetta Cheese on Crackers in my sons lunch. He loves that.
The thing that my did that was special for us, as kids, was to make each of our three lunches individually, using our favorites. She knew that lunch wasn’t a one size fits all deal.
Remove the crust from my bread, blah I was so spoiled haha
I wrote something very similar on one of the other blogs…but, it’s what I think most accurately addresses your question. My kids think the fact that I make their lunch is special; while I think eating lunch together is special. During school, they usually eat in the cafeteria; but, if they ask for a sack lunch, they are very grateful if I make it for them. I think I will start putting notes in more regularly.
Sometimes I draw a smiley or goofy face on oranges or bananas!
I don’t have kids, but I do enjoy making my Dad lunch. He works out of the house, and often doesn’t have time to come down and get something to eat. So I like to bring him a plate up to his office.
My mom would also put a little toy surprise in my lunch bag. It could be as small as a sticker or a cool pencil.
I sometimes leave photos of my son’s dog in his lunchbox. I know it makes him smile.:)
I use cookie cutters to cut their sandwiches and package their lunches in bento style boxes. It’s an easy way to make lunch time fun and interesting.
Lunch was not our special time–it was weekend breakfasts.
When I was a kid my mom would put graham crackers with frosting in my lunch. I loved them as a kid.
My mom always put little notes in my lunches .
I always let my son decide his lunch for the day, but try to do something interesting to it each time. For example, If he chooses a sandwich, I’ll cut it into bite size pieces (he says the small pieces make him feel like a giant 🙂 ) I also give him a sticker with each lunch. I pick them up everywhere and just surprise him with them. He likes to use them to decorate his folders at school. I am working on a way to keep lunch fun now that he is going to sixth grade, don’t know if the stickers will survive middle school :0