Pomegranate Giveaway!!

picture from of egyptsearch.blogspot.com

Contest is now closed. Thanks to all who entered! The winner will be announced later today, Monday!

Good Saturday everyone! Here’s another chance to win a great prize from the POM folks. They are offering one of my readers a case of fresh Pomegranates. Here’s how to be entered….

Let’s think of creative ways to use pomegranate in recipes. This will help us all get some great ideas on what we can enter in POM’s recipe contest going on right now. We still have time for a shot at $5,000 buckaroos, so let’s get cookin’! Leave a comment on a cool idea to use pomegranate juice and/or fresh pomegranate in a recipe and one winner will be selected by a random drawing. Can’t wait to hear your ideas! Contest ends Sunday night before midnight Az MST. Good luck everyone!!

…how about chocolate chunk pomegranate cookies or vanilla bean pomegranate cupcakes. Mmmm, I better get baking! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!


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81 Responses
  1. Kristen

    How about pomegranate pancakes with a pomegranate reduction. MMM! I have also made pomegranate butter before and it is delicious!

  2. Steffie

    I love using pomegranate juice in smoothies! My new love is using it in homemade vinagrettes!

  3. Allyson

    Some pom infused vodka sounds delish right now. I wonder what pom covered in chocolate would taste like?

  4. Melissa

    Well…ideas could be endless. But how about pomegranate scones for starters!! Or… pomegranate granola. Yum!

  5. Katrina

    Hmm, I’m all about the chocolate chip cookie. So, can pomegranates be dried like cranberries? A white chocolate, pomegranate, pecan cookie. Sounds good to me! If they can’t be dried, I’d try them fresh in a cookie. I’m not afraid! ;)I also love what someone said–a dark chocolate ice cream with pomegranates. Sounds yummy.

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