Good Saturday Morning!! You are just in time to enter a darling little giveaway courtesy of MyBlogspark!
For the 44th Pillsbury Bake-off Contest, they are allowing us, the public to vote and decide on 20 finalists who will make it to the Bake-off. You can go HERE to vote for your favorite recipe. Be sure to cast your vote through the summer. I was a finalist twice in the Bake-off, so I know how nervous those finalists are!! Best of luck to all of them!
Here’s what you’ll win and how to enter this giveaway…………….
2 Picky Palate Readers will win the above Pillsbury Dough Boy doll that giggles when you press his belly (the kids LOVE it!) and a fabulous recipe booklet with mouthwatering photos!
Leave a comment and tell us all what makes a “winning” recipe in your house. What is it that catches your eye? Certain ingredients, quick and easy, homemade, semi homemade? You get the picture. We’d love to know!! I know for me, it has to be easy ingredients to pick up at the grocery store and fast to get on the dinner table!!
Just like the doughboy says, Hurry Contest ends Sunday, tomorrow the 23rd at midnight!! The 2 winners will be selected from those who are also following Picky Palate on THIS site, so make sure you re-follow if you haven’t done so!!!
Good luck folks!!
I love a meal that is both easy & delicious! Easy doesn’t always equate to something that is scrumptios and requested over and overa gain, but when you find that perfect easy recipe that everybody loves – that is AWESOME!
I love it when I find a recipe that I can immediately make. I do love making things from scratch with complicated ingredients but, if I have all the ingredients right away those recipes are my favorite. I don’t have to wait to make a delicious meal.
In my house, anything with cream cheese and crescent rolls!!
For me a good recipe has easy ingredients that i always have in my pantry. I hate starting something and realizing half way through that i don’t have a certain item.
a winning recipe to me is one that has ingredients that we all enjoy…both kids, my husband and me! 🙂
i love to make a meal that i can make ahead in the crockpot..especially for those afternoons and evenings filled with school events and basketball or baseball games!
A true winner in our house is basic ingredients that we would already have around the house or easily be found. We love to entertain so something what we could whip up fast, makes servings in the double digits, low cost,kid friendly, and of course be delicious.
With 3 little ones, it has to be easy and fast, tasty, but at least somewhat healthy. A recipe my 3 year old can help out with is best. She loves to cook!
With three little ones I’d say quick and easy!
I would love that cookbook! A winning recipe in my house is full of flavor, doesn’t call for a million ingredients, and makes leftovers that get fought over.
A winning recipe at my house is yummy, quick, kid-pleasing, and requires easy to find ingredients. Chocolate doesn’t hurt either, lol! 🙂
We love anything with lots of flavor. It also helps when its a quick and inexpensive as well.
A winning recipe in our house is one that reheats well. The husband takes the leftovers for work and if it tastes good the next day then its a winner!
A winning recipe is one with lots of texture and flavor. Also, the best meals are the ones my kids pick out via the net or in magazines and actually prepare with me!
Taste and appearance are definitely important…and then the ease of getting ingredients. I don’t mind buying special ingredients, however I want the final result to taste and look good!
A winning recipe in my house is definitely comfort food. Creamy, spicy, fun to eat. Sweets are always a hit too!
I don’t always plan ahead, so a great recipe would be one where the ingredients are on-hand so substitutions aren’t required and easy directions! I love making Pillsbury cinnamon rolls from crescent dough.
I love anything that’s quick and easy, but I also love a good homemade meal. I guess it all depends on the mood that I am in. =) I am a follower through google reader!
I know I have a “winner” of a meal when my kids want more.
In my house, award winning recipes are ones that have great nutritional information and are easy to make, since I am no professional chef/baker.
I like recipes where I don’t have to make a trip to the store for the ingredients. I love to have a fast dinner where it is made with common items I stock in my house. I really don’t like recipes that take hours either, quick and easy, that’s me!
A winninge recipe to me is either a) something I can dump in the crock pot, leave for a couple hours and then serve, or b)something that my husband likes (which is very few things; he is extremely picky!!)
A winning recipe is one that has great flavor AND appearance. If the color combination or presentation is a winning one, there is more chance that people will want to try it. If it then tates awesome as well, you definitely have a winner!
it has to taste good. i always tend to go back to family favorite and switch them up a bit. good to have some varity.
All about the taste!
We love recipes like the last post… we have to have pictures of what it is going to look like.
It is also nice if it is quick or easy to make and healthy.
When I’m looking for a winning recipe, I look for nutrition (can’t wreck my weight watcher points!), difficulty, and creativity!
In my house a winning recipe is healthy and my pickiest eater likes it. It also has to be easy!
A winning recipe in my house is one that my husband likes so much that he makes it at the fire station for his crew!
I love to find recipes with a short list of ingredients. Sometimes a long list can scare me away. I also like convenient and ingredients I usually have on hand.
I just became a follower/subscribed. A winning recipe to me is one that my entire family will eat and the ingredients are not complicated. The recipe must be easy to prepare and hopefully something that we can eat leftovers from!
It is definitely easy to find ingredients and ingredients I like and won’t have to substitute or leave out. If I can’t find it in the store, or I hate the spice or fruit, I usually will skip over the recipe.
We love anything that deals with quick and easy! If I can get it all preped one more days in advance then toss it on the grill or in the oven for an easy dinner it’s a winner in our book!
For us, it’s about ingredients that are easy to find and how long it takes to make.
It’s nice to have a recipe that has familiar ingredients that we usually have in the pantry, so I can make something that we love before everyone gets so hungry that they threaten to eat each other!
A winning recipe in my house is quick (or made ahead), healthy, and the kids will eat it!
A winning recipe, or more specifically, dessert, has to have some kind of fruit because everyone in my house loves fruit!