Who’s on Pinterest?

You wanna know the first place I go when I don’t feel like doing….anything I need to be doing? Yes, you guessed it. Pinterest. It is one of those sites where you can get lost for hours if you aren’t careful,  lol!

Well, this morning is one of those mornings. I have loads of laundry that needs done, a sinkful of dishes that need washed, beds to be made and a list of other things, but I found myself playing on Pinterest instead 🙂

Since I am on the subject, who is on Pinterest so I can follow you?!

Leave your Pinterest name or link in a comment so we can all follow each other ok?

Mine is:  https://pinterest.com/jennyflake/

Happy Wednesday!!

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359 Responses
  1. Jennifer | Mother Thyme

    You sound like me. While my kids are napping I had a to do list I wanted to accomplish. The only thing I have done so far is play on Pinterest too, lol! So much for any chores getting done but least I got a ton of inspiration! I already follow you on Pinterest. Here is my boards: http://pinterest.com/MotherThyme/

  2. amy erickson

    Can someone PLEASE tell me how to become a part of Pinterest? I have requested an invite SO many times and I hear nothing back! I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do, but I just love that site..and would love to be a part of it!

    Please Help..Thank you! :))


  3. Rachel

    I Pinterest a lot of my pics. I love being able to organize all these wonderful ideas! Of course implementing some would probably be a better idea…

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