Ziploc Fresh Over Project

Well, friends it’s here! The Great American FreshOver Project with Ziploc Brand is in full swing. Ziploc Brand wants to show American families everywhere that eating fresh at mealtime, snack time and on-the-go…can be easy. Heaven knows we all need more tips on this!

Rachael Ray has partnered with Ziploc Brand and will be sharing her tips, recipes and best secrets for preparing fresh foods. I’m so excited to watch Rachael work her magic with Ziploc Brand products. She has such an infectious personality doesn’t she? Every time I see her cook on television, she makes me want to get up and start cooking.

Be sure to check out the Ziploc Facebook page, where there is an exclusive Rachael Ray downloadable FreshOver Recipe Guide, along with a FreshOver challenge where families can take a pledge to begin their own project, weekly giveaways and lots more.

Ziploc Brand will also be donating to Rachael Ray’s non-profit organization – Yum-O! It is dedicated to helping children across the country develop positive attitudes toward eating fresh. Families can support the cause by ”liking” the Ziploc Brand page and downloading Rachael’s Recipe Guide on With every download, up to a maximum of 50,000 downloads, between 1/1/12 and 12/31/13, Ziploc Brand will make a $1 donation to Rachael Ray’s Yum-O! organization on the fans behalf, for up to a maximum $50,000 donation. To further support Yum-O!, Rachael Ray and Ziploc will donate an additional $200,000 during the same time period, no matter how many guides are downloaded.

I am so excited to be sharing this great project with you and to put my own personal spin to it as I fresh-over mealtime at my house. As you know, I’m all about dressing up simple, family-friendly recipes for my picky eaters – and eating fresh with my family can be challenging – but I am up for it! I am looking forward to incorporating new healthy habits in my home and hope we can get healthier together!

What are some of your healthy eating tips?

*I have partnered with Ziploc® Brand and am being compensated for my posts. However, my opinions on the product are my own.

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4 Responses
  1. Christi @ Love From The Oven

    Love my Ziploc bags – and they make one heck of a great iPad case in the kitchen. 🙂

  2. Erin

    Oh, man! Totally rely on Ziploc…bags of all sizes. And we wash and reuse them, too! Better for the environment!

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