Where does the time go?! Celebrating 8 years of Picky Palate today 🙂
So fun to look at all of my recipes over the years. Can hardly even believe it has been 8 years! I feel so blessed to be able to create recipes and share them with all of you. I can’t imagine doing anything else. Thank you for allowing me to do what I love!
One of my most popular recipes on Picky Palate is my Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies. If you haven’t made them yet, I highly recommend it!
One of my most popular recipes on Pinterest is this delicious Cheesy Chicken and Wild Rice Casserole. It’s perfect for using as a freezer meal, Sunday dinner and giving to friends in need of dinner. This is a must make!
One of my personal favorite recipes is my homemade cinnamon rolls. So perfect for this time of year. Wrap them up and give them to your friends and neighbors, best gift ever!
One of my favorite recipes to photograph was this delicious Apple Peanut Butter S’mores Tart. Oh my goodness I’m drooling just thinking about it.
Is there anything better than doughnuts?! These beauties are baked and fabulous. Love these Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Baked Buttermilk Donuts.
One of our favorite quick fix dinner recipes over the years has been this flavorful Grilled Taco and Lime Chicken. Highly recommend this one!
If you haven’t had my Southwest Chicken Chili Mac, you MUST! Another favorite quick fix dinner for ya that I’ve made for years.
A newer favorite that made my list are these gorgeous gooey fantastic Marshmallow Chocolate Chip Shortbread Bars! Oh my goodness I love these.
Huge thanks to those of you who have followed my journey over the years! It has been an absolute pleasure and I look forward to many many more years ahead. Happy 8 Years Picky Palate!
So much tastiness over the last 8 years!! Way to go Jenny!!
Congrats on 8 years my friend. You’ve got so many wonderful recipes. Here’s to another 8 more! 🙂
So many great recipes! Congrats on 8 years, time flies when your havin fun!
Congrats Jenny!! Can;t wait for many more years of Picky Palate fun!
Congratulations on your blog anniversary!! Also, I NEED that apple peanut butter s’mores tart!
Happy 8th blogoversary! That’s quite an accomplishment in itself. Wishing you many more to come!
Thank you so much Freda 🙂
Congrats – wow 8 years is a lifetime in blogging years! Love your Oreo recipes, but I’m putting the chili mac on my menu next week – that looks so good.
Thank you so much Becki!
Thank you thank you thank you, for being my morning coffee time read! I have been following for years and have yet to bake a recipe I didn’t love! You are an inspiration who continues to inspire!! It would be a blessing for our paths to cross one day. Congratulations on 8 (very) yummy successful years, Jenny!!!
Congrats, Jenny on 8 wonderful years!!! I’ve enjoyed so many of your recipes, as well as getting to know you. Keep doing what you are doing! xo
Thanks Kristen!! xo
Congrats on 8 years!! That’s impressive 🙂 And now I totally want cookies, cinnamon rolls and a side of chicken… is that weird? 😉
Thanks so much Rachel 🙂
Love your recipes, especially the bowls. Congratulations
Thank you Carol 🙂
WOW! 8 years? It’s gone by so fast hasn’t it? I have always been a huge fan and of course love the fact that we’re great friends now 🙂 Can’t wait to see you next week!
I couldn’t agree more….as I’m texting you my boot selections, lol! See you soon!
Wow 8 years!! Congrats Jenny 🙂 I remember first stumbling upon you and being like, “I love this girl, I hope to meet her one day!” and I’m so glad it happened and that we met through this wonderful world of blogging. Keep up the amazing work and here’s to many many more blogging years to come!! xoxoxo
Thank you Julie! So glad we’re friends.
Wishing you a VERY happy blog anniversary, Jenny! I have been reading since the beginning – from before I was a blogger to now, as a former blogger 🙂 I will definitely continue being a loyal reader of your fabulous site!
Thanks for your kind words Liz! So grateful to be able to write Picky Palate 🙂
Congrats, Jenny! I’m going on 7 years and I remember when I started blogging, I looked up to you as a blogging goddess who had been doing it ‘forever’…and here we are, years later, both going strong! I hope you blog forever! xoxo
Thanks so much Averie! Hard to believe it’s been 8 years! Congrats on 7 years for you! Amazing!!